Friday, April 29, 2011

Freebie Friday: Desk Labels

So I really wanted to do a fun Mother's Day printable but truth be told my brain is shot. The little sweetie is still waking up 2-5 times a night and my thinker just isn't thinking. I had no fun ideas. I did finally come up with a fun idea for the buddy to make--but it's not a printable. I'm going to have him paint on fabric and make it into a potholder. I'm sure it's been done before, but he'll like it. Hopefully the grandma's will like it, and if you like it you should do it too! I'll try to post a little tutorial if we get it done sooner than later. (With my zombie-like brain I make no promises).

Back to today's freebie: desk labels. 
I scored this awesome white desk off the side of the road a couple weeks ago and decided to move all my desk supplies out of the kitchen. hooray! But there wasn't really room for the plastic drawers I had them in so I pulled out some pickle jars--the honey hates that I save all our pickle jars and stash them in spare cupboard corners, but they do come in handy (and he does love that I didn't buy new jars). So they fit on the little edge at the top perfectly. But they kinda looked hodge podgey. They needed labels! I printed these on PAPER not cardstock and ran them through my Xyron machine with permanent adhesive in it (sticker making stuff). If you don't have one you could spray adhesive the back, use double stick tape, or print on adhesive backed label type paper. Either way the worst part is cutting them out by hand, and that's really not too bad. If you don't want to deal with the curves just cut them out square :)

Yep, the markers have a lid on them . . . the buddy is good about being safe with scissors but the lure of sharpie markers knows no bounds!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Eggs & Sewing

I kinda dropped the ball this weekend. So many ideas so little time! So, I apologize for not so much as a "hi" on Friday. This is what I've been up to:

Coloring Eggs: Family tradition dictates we have to do it on Good Friday. It's one of my favorite Easter Traditions.

This year the buddy really got into it: these are his beautiful creations:

I love this one:  He put it in every color. I think it looks like a chalkboard.

And then I finished the sweeties Easter dress. I ended up following a Kwik Sew for Toddlers book rather than the original pattern I posted after finding out it only contained the 6 month size. oops. But this one works too. It's a tad big-but she'll grow into the 12 month size eh?

and made her a little rose bud head band to go with it

(and then Sunday morning sewed some of the extra lace onto her socks too).

I also let the buddy pick out the fabric for a tie I made using this tutorial on icandyhandmade. I wanted to do a pink one to match the sweetie, but he insisted on green. (I still snuck a little pink on the back. . . and then he proceeded to chew on his tie all through church . . . boys will be boys I guess).

Last but not least I decided last minute to sew myself a circle skirt as well following this tutorial on from MADE. I even dyed the elastic. See? The week was crazy, but Easter ended up being really really good. And that's what matters right? I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend as well!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Springified pillow covers

When I think spring I think green. I need green. It helps that my living color scheme revolves around green too . . . so I picked up an olive green sheet at goodwill for maybe $1.50, and used an old white oxford of the honeys to come up with new, basically free pillow covers using this tutorial -without the quilting step. They were quick and easy and I think they pack a punch. Oh, and did I mention the buddy has turned into quite the ham? Yeah, pictures are hard to come by these days without him in them.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Freebie Friday: He Is Risen Poster

I had a great picture of Mary and the Resurrected Lord on my armoire/ designated-decor-spot, but from a distance you could hardly see it. It all just kind of melded together. I LOVE the picture by Harry Anderson, but it just didn't quite fit. Rather I envisioned a silhouette. You know how I love a good silhouette:) Anywhoo. I couldn't decide on a color, the hunny picked purple, my least favorite color. But it surprised me and worked well. I guess purple does have a small space in the universe after all.

 This week I thought I'd try something a little bit new and just let you download a jpeg from my blog rather than going over to scribd for a pdf. That way you can upload the jpeg to your favorite print shop and print it easily, or of course,  print it at home if you prefer. It's scaled to the 8x10 ratio, but it could work for other sizes I'm sure.

*one note about colors: your screen and the printer you choose will change the color a bit. So just be prepared . . . 

Just click on the image for a larger version to download (right click to download image). Enjoy!




Wednesday, April 13, 2011

3 eggs in a nest

I think it would look better with a gold chain, but my only gold chain is missing at the moment. (and yes, that is my pasty white skin)

I have wondered since I made this if I should even post about this. Since I'm not much of a jeweler, and I first saw it on the crafty crow who linked to Rhubarb Sky but of course she followed the tutorial on Just Something I Made (hence why I was hesistant to re-post). Anyway, so if you've all seen this and made one and moved on, I do apologize. But I love it so much I decided to share. If  you want to make it go to one of those sites and they have fabulous tutorials. I didn't really read them, I just looked, and read far enough to know the beads all go on first and then  you wrap it around. The idea germinated for a few days before I had some spare time to dig out my only metal wire-gold and some beads. I kind of think it would be more fun if I'd made it more loopy and perhaps bigger. But no, it's just right the way it is. It would be a fun Easter gift wouldn't it?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Welcome to Radiator Springs-A Happy Place!

"mommy I don't have a road for my cars to go on . . . " this is what spurred our Cars Board. A year or two ago I made this train board for him and I had another piece of particle board and thought why not? So we pulled out the scrapbooking paper, turned on Pixar's Cars and went to work. The buddy picked colors and told me what needed to be on it, and then helped me modge podge all the pieces on. It's so much fun to do "projects" with him right now. He loves it, and of course I love it. But in retrospect it probably would have been easier to just google images for each of the buildings online. It wouldn't have been as much fun though, eh? Oh, and then he was worried because we didn't have a race track. We flipped it over and managed to get a two-fer.

Had to start with the cozy cone motel . . . simple numbers typed in word and cut out.  Oh, and don't forget the "interstate" at the top!

We added the flag at the buddy's request on Sarge's home (a picture printed off the internet), and then of course Fillmore needs a place to park!

How 'bout somthin' to drink? Stop on by Flo's V8 Cafe. . . it's a basic necessity . . . with space for them to park and fill up.

Traffic Court is always important with crazy race car drivers right? I used rub-on letters for the "accused" word.

Ramone will fix you up right . . . pin striping? How 'bout von Dutch style? (I may or may not have the entire movie memorized) I used some rub-on letters and designs on this one.

Stop by Luigi's Casa Della Tires . . . have to have the Leaning Tower of Tires!

When you need a little break we've got tractor tipping-just don't let Frank catch you!

And the impound lot . . .

I wanted to find the "Radiator Springs . . . A Happy Place" sign online but couldn't find a good quality one. The buddy was appeased with this and a train track (for the part where Lightening McQueen races a train when he's looking for Mack).

The race track on the back with parking spaces on the sides for cars to park.

Overall a smashing success. He's played with it every day since we made it. And I may have joined him several times. Who says mom's can't like cars too?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Freebie Friday: Easter Circles/ Toppers

just imagine those marshmallows are cupcakes . . .

Cupcakes are an Easter tradition at my house.
Growing up my family had lots of Easter traditions, the best was going to the "easter park," a park which I didn't learn the real name of until I was out of the house. But we would go to this special park and have a picnic and spend the whole day playing together as a family. We always had cupcakes as part of our picnic. Chocolate cupcakes, with green frosting with coconut dyed green on top as "grass" with 3 jelly beans stuck on top. I made a variation last year per the honey's request. He hates coconut. Alas.

Anyway, if you read through all that sentimentality, I thought baby animals would be fun toppers to go under the "eggs" even though only the chick would lay an egg :) Long stretch I guess. I'm excited to use them though. Do you have a traditional cupcake as part of a holiday celebration? I'd love to hear about it . . . .

Get the Easter circles/cupcake toppers here. Enjoy!

Monday, April 4, 2011

yellow bunting

This is mostly for my mother. I told her I had finally done this and she wanted to see. . . I've been wanting to make this ever since Candace of Sparkle Power listed some yellow scalloped bunting in her shop. I LOVED it, but I knew I could make my own with the large stash of yellow material I had on hand. It just took forever to get to it. I think the scallops are too long though-every time I look at it they look more like fat toes than scallops. bugging . . . but I sure love the fabric! moral of story-think about buying the perfect yellow scalloped bunting before it is sold :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools! There IS a Freebie Friday today!

Yeah, I wasn't sure there was going to be one, but this Freebie is brought to you by the pile of dinner dishes still sitting in my sink from last night . . .

Today is a friends birthday (Happy Birthday Kari!) and I had a fun idea for a birthday card last night that will be today's freebie.

Each "card" is a fourth of a page-I plan to use them as card embellishments. Just print on cardstock. But you could also just keep it as is and send it as a postcard, or whatever. Get them here.  Enjoy!


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